It’s my Birthday!
It’s finally the day I get even older, and it’s been great so far! I had woke up to about 22 messages from all my friends this morning so thank you guys if you are reading this! My friend @Anonymous-Frog made this awesome Flash Movie for me so thank you dude! :D
Peter Work at Freddy Movie Finale
I have been working my ass off trying to finish this but I’m also lazy so it won’t be out for a month or two but I’ve made a ton of progress along with this intro that doesn’t involve Peter and I’ll explain why in a sec...
The reason I have a new intro is because since I decided to end off the Peter Peecha series. I will no longer be making consistent Peter animations (I might do some here and there) so stick around, and maybe you’ll find him in place you least expect!
The first episode is coming out very soon, so stay tuned for that cause @Jaylan2233 and @axelthgreat have been animating like hell for the past couple months!
Upcoming collabs!
The Hamster Dance Collab that @ShalNG is hosting is by far the most recent one I have taken part in, and it’s going great so far so you should definitely stick around for it!
The Holiday Network hosted by @RGPAnims is going to be great! Although the release date may have passed they had trouble finishing it then because of some complications so it should be out soon. So be sure to check it out when it’s finally done!
The Handsome Squidward Collab hosted by @axelthgreat has been very fun, although I need to get myself together and re-organize the spreadsheet :/
My conclusion...
Sorry if I hadn’t been that active as of recent, I’ve been working on a LOT of things... family, school, and such have also been holding me back a bit too. I’m sure that the upcoming projects that are coming out soon so make sure you stay tuned for those! Have a nice day everyone!