Working on Money Man: Refunded…

Ant @Ant

Age 19, Male

Actor/Beta Tester/IT

The Educational Area

Rhode Island

Joined on 5/31/20

Exp Points:
7,235 / 7,510
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Vote Power:
6.77 votes
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B/P Bonus:
4y 7d

Ant's News

Posted by Ant - July 7th, 2021


RATE 5!!!


Posted by Ant - July 5th, 2021


Posted by Ant - July 2nd, 2021





Posted by Ant - June 27th, 2021

Be sure to wish Lacie a Happy Birthday! :3iu_342334_8032377.png



Posted by Ant - June 19th, 2021

700 Fanz!!! :D

You guys are actual legends, just 3 weeks ago I hit 600 and now I am already here!

I really appropriate the love and support I've been getting from all of you!

I say this a lot but I sometimes feel as if I don't deserve all of y'all but here we are!

Thanks for this amazing gift @Fr00tL00pz, this is so cute!!!

Also thanks for the awesome new pfp too along with this great ref sheet!!!


Been makin games (and makin bacon) for all you gamers!!

Among Us Fart Simulator

@JOEYTHEMARILLFAN and I made this beautiful masterpiece of a game, go check it out!

Egg Simulator

@suicitem and I hatched an eggcelent idea and decided to make a sequel to the beloved "Toaster Simulator"!!! (Go check them out too cause @suicitem makes some fantastic art!)

Bacon Simulator

@Fr00tL00pz and I were thinkin about makin some bacon, so check this one out, and be sure to support @Fr00tL00pz and her amazing art!! (It has also won the highest award in the series by far, so thanks for 2nd everyone!!! >w<)


I haven't made much but at least its something!

FilmBudds: Morons Of The Dead

This episode was a blast to work on with the @Filmbudds team, so please go check it out for yourself!

(So far my favorite animation in the series!)

carge makes an outstanding return!

carge is back babyyyyy


go check out to see why the bananu fell out of the tree


Yes I am and if you got a problem you get stfu and leave, have a nice day! :D

Why r u a furry broski?

Idk I just felt like it and I think animals are cool so I am now an actual ant, les fuggin goooo!!!

Got some amazing fart recently...

All of these amazing folk decided to make some awesome fanart for me!!! :3

Geez you made a LOT of really amazing art @Fr00tL00pz!!! :D

@JOEYTHEMARILLFAN thx for this epic one too! ^-^


About @Fr00tL00pz and I...

Yeah as some of you may know @Fr00tL00pz and I are dating and have been for quite a while, but I have an issue I just want to clarify in case you guys are confused in any way. So basically I am obviously a furry, I'm pan, and I have an online relationship. There is no problem with that other than the fact that all of my IRL friends would probably bully me to hell and back and most likely pick on me and talk abt me behind me back. I love Alex very much and I'd really love to show my love and appreciation by making stuff on here with her although, due to my IRL friends getting into Newgrounds recently I haven't done much stuff like that because I know I'd get harassed and shit by them. I am sure that a lot of you guys could relate with my situation. You may ask "Why do you consider them friends if they'd do this?", well that's because they are the only people I have to chat with at school and they are good people other than that and I just know that they make fun of certain people and groups that relate to stuff I like and am that I'd be made fun of for too. I don't hate them but I am just scared that word would spread about me and the stuff they currently are unaware of and not only would I get bullied but my parents could also possibly find out and would probably not accept me for who I am as a person. I believe my IRL friends don't really read these posts so hopefully nothing bad comes out of this. If you are one of my IRL friends and are currently reading this, please DM on discord and please try to be nice about my recent changes cause that's all I ask for, thanks... I just love Alex very much and she has done so much to make me happy all the time and I try to do the best for her as well, I love you so much @Fr00tL00pz!!! If you guys have any more questions please let me know.

Thanks everyone for everything, I love you all!!! <3 <3 <3



Posted by Ant - May 28th, 2021

I've been pretty productive lately!

I have gotten this sudden burst of energy recently and I've been doing so much stuff!

600 FANZ!!!!!

I mean its cool and all but I really don't think deserve it imo

There are so many cool artists out there that deserve WAAAY more support than I should ever get so be sure to go support tons of small creators to help them feel more confident in their work cause I see so many cool artists every time I go on this awesome site!

Thanks to all of you guys for helping me get so far within such a short amount of time on this platform! ^-^


Here I will be talking about the games that I have released or are in the works!

Toaster Simulator

So one day @MrRope and I were sitting next to each other at school during writing seminar and he gave me an idea for a dumb lil game, he mentioned that I should make a realistic toaster game where you have to wait for a slice of bread to toast for a certain amount of time. I thought that this was a hilarious idea and I brought it up to @uraomote and next thing you know all of the assets were drawn, the game was programmed and our dumb idea came to life!

Go check out Toaster Simulator here if you haven't already!

2 more simulator games are on the way!

I can't say what they are yet as they are a surprise but I can give you a little hint! These games are breakfast related so stay tuned to see what comes next!

Money Man (This game is hell bgbfgiewrhgjk)

I have been working on Money Man here and there although I'd like to take a little break as it's been quite annoying to deal with. If you are interested in seeing what it looks like then check out this YouTube video!


A dress-up game???

Yeah, you heard me, and were making one!

I have been working with some very talented folk to make this game including: @zebragamer880, @Halve, and @vurbank.

This game will be released soon so be sure to stick around if you are interested!

Ant Collector

Just a stupid lil spam game @uraomote and I decided to make together and it has changed me completely, as some of you might've already noticed, I am now an actual ant! (I will get into this topic next.)

Play the game here if u wanna take a look:

New look!

Hey guys, looks like all of your dumb ant puns payed off! I am now an actual ant lmao, for those who may not know my nickname (Ant) came from my actual name (Anthony). Many people think I just came up with it but I've had people call me that for years! After we made the game Ant Collector I've since ditched the pale dude and I painfully morphed into a dumb little insect.

Here is some awesome art of this little shit!

@uraomote made this cool art so u should check 'em out!


@suicitem made this cool little dude chillin on his DSi lololol

@geebz.screams also made this silly dude lol


How have you been, Ant?

I've been alright, though school has been tough. I am trying my best to make it through the year without going insane and its working, school ends in just a couple days and I can't wait for summer vacation! I plan on making TONS of new things this summer so please stay tuned to see some awesome games coming in the future and maybe even some animations too!

Thx for reading! :D



Posted by Ant - May 1st, 2021

I’d give my monthly update but nothing really changed so I’ll just make this news post to celebrate Pico Day!

So happy friggin Pico Day guys!

have a picture of this crab toy that’s been in my dad’s car for 3 years




Posted by Ant - April 11th, 2021

I have been really lazy recently...

I have been taking a break from a lot of my projects since the flood happened. That also means that I have not really been working on both PWaFMF and Money Man although I do plan on continuing to do them soon. Money Man is almost complete so I cannot wait to finish that because I am sure you guys would like it despite it's difficulty.

500 Fans!!!

Yeah, so I reached yet another milestone due to all of you chads out there so thank you for supporting me for the year I have been on this awesome platform! I have had such a great time on here and it's all thanks to you guys because without all of you I wouldn't have continued to create content for all of you guys, so thank you so much! I hope all of you have a great day as well!


@Wackyverse is over because @axelbeeni and the others agreed that we should start something new, and then Axel came up with RuleBenderz. Instead of "A group of friends going on adventures." it's now based on a group of friends at school breaking rules (hence the name) and doing other shenanigans. I really cannot wait for it, and if you guys want to be updated further about this topic I am sure @axelbeeni would make some updates about it over on his page!

I've been addicted

I recently played a game called "Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time" because I had never finished it when I was little and I found it again and beat it in about 25 hours. I now plan on playing all of the Mario & Luigi games because that was was great, but also pretty dark. I cannot recommend that series enough so definitely go check it out!

A couple things to shout-out

I also figured that I'd shout-out a couple of my other platforms that I am currently active on including my YouTube channel and my Discord server which are linked below:

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW9FDRseqxO4gh50IKc8FTA

Discord Server: https://discord.com/invite/Uf74svf



Posted by Ant - March 24th, 2021

March 23, 2021... (Yesterday)

I came home from school to help my father home with some yard work since he was building a new fence. Right after we finished moving a log out of the way we go inside and have a seat in the kitchen. After talking for a little while we both look at each other.

Our conversation:

Dad: "Do you hear the water running?"

Me: "Yeah I do, why?"

Dad: "I don't know, I was just wondering... I think Mom started the laundry machine."

Mom: "Yeah, I started it an hour ago."|

Dad: "Oh alright."

Me: "Want me to text you if it's something bad???"

Dad:"I am sure it's fine."

Me: "Okay."

I then head downstairs, I heard a noise that sounded like the shower so I check in the shower in the basement and it wasn't on. Once I realized that my mom said the laundry was running so I checked out the laundry room...

My basement was flooded. (Phase 1)

I stepped in the laundry room and the water was up to my ankle (About 2.5 inches deep!) and it was spraying absolutely everywhere!


(This image was taken later on once we cleaned up most of it.)

I run upstairs and tell my dad about it and we run back down and he turns off the water and grabs a wet-dry vacuum and starts to clean things up. After a lot of back and forth dumping water in the toilet the majority of the water was gone.

Time to rip up the rug! (Phase 2)

We began to tear out the rug flooring and bring out the drenched carpet into a pile we will soon throw into the dumpster. After about 3 hours of work the whole basement was ripped up except for the corner my PC was in. We also had to bring up bins of old toys that were scattered around the storage room, so we brought it outside and poured them on our old trampoline to dry.

Drying the basement. (Phase 3)

We bought some rental tools such as an industrial fan to circulate the air around the room and an industrial dehumidifier to collect all of the moisture in the air. After about 24 hours of the machines running we brought them both back to home depot.

The end of the cleaning. (For now...)

Earlier today (as of this post) I moved the stuff out of the way so I could talk to my friends and write this post. I am very happy my computers and other equipment survived. Hopefully the basement gets fixed up soon and I will try to let you guys know in my next news post, thank you for all the support to those who have already reached out to me and hopefully everyone understand why I may be inactive for a while because I have to help out with this mess. Hope you all have a better day than I had and I'll see you guys later!

[Photos of the flood.]



[Footage I recorded.]



Posted by Ant - March 10th, 2021

Ohhh boy I’ve been busssssy!

I’ve been working really hard on some personal projects of mine recently, that is including the following:

Peter Work at Freddy Movie Finale

This has been a HUUUUUUUGE W.I.P. that I hope to get done before my @Wackyverse episode comes out. This project has been one I’ve been animating for a long while now, and I can’t wait till I release it!

Money Man

Since I’ve been doing a lot of work on PWaFMF I wanted to take a break from the project and start a new one which is Money Man. It has been a blast making it so far, and if you are interested then stay tuned. This is a fan game project that I’ve been working on for a couple weeks now. I will also be doing Game Development streams on my YouTube Channel, and there is also a standalone Beta Gameplay Video here: https://youtu.be/JS3KsDPqwks

Other news...


Expect see an episode of @Wackyverse centered around me as the fourth main character to the show!


I’ve already mentioned a couple collabs I'm in, in recent posts. If you are interested in the ones I am a part of go check those out.


Expect to see cool things from me in the upcoming future and be sure to stay tuned for those! I hope you have an amazing day everyone!

-Ant :D
