Working on Money Man: Refunded…

Ant @Ant

Age 19, Male

Actor/Beta Tester/IT

The Educational Area

Rhode Island

Joined on 5/31/20

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Ant’s Monthly Update: Monday, February 1st 10:32 PM

Posted by Ant - February 1st, 2021

About to hit another Milestone!

Yo guys it’s ya boi Ant here, and I am currently 20 fans away from hitting a long awaited goal! So if you like my stuff you should follow me, and tell some other awesome spam lovers about me and spread the word!

Other News...

Mental Health Update!

I’ve still been overwhelmed with school but this week I’m having a bit of a break! A good mental health break always helps me continue to strive for years to come! I have been down in the dumps as of recent due to current events, but otherwise I’ve been just fine! Before this week started I was quite upset about my grades in school, but according to how things look currently this week is going to be a lot better than any other week I’ve had this entire school year! (Excluding Christmas Break.)

Upcoming Collabs!

First of all I’d like to talk about the Half-Life Collab that @TerrorByte in which I have a part in, it will be released tomorrow and I cannot wait for it to release because of how much we have struggled during the process of making the collab. So expect it to be up tomorrow (According to what TerrorByte said.)

Second of all The Holiday Network Collab that is coming out on February 12th! I know what your saying “The Holiday Network? But the holidays already passed!” Well screw it we’re celebrating this years Christmas twice! So grab some popcorn and get ready for Christmas ‘cause it’s coming early this year! Check out the official trailer on @RGPAnims’s Twitter post here!

Finally the Two Faces of Squidward Reanimated Collab that @axelthgreat is hosting is doing great! There are currently only 2 scenes left! Wow everyone is eating them up like it’s no tomorrow! If you’d like to try and nab one of those 2 before someone else does, take a look at this collab post here!


2021 hasn’t been that bad so far (For me at least!) I’ve been doing fantastic and I hope you are too! I wish to accomplish many things this year and I hope you do too! Have an amazing day!

— Ant :D




Was that milestone 420 by any chance? :P Congrats if so!

Posting to say I do enjoy thorough review responses too, thank you. And 'bad design choice' aesthetic' is definitely a thing. XD Rainbows might've been more predictable IMO... if you didn't do them in some unexpected way of course. Way off course. But maybe nice either way.

Anyway if you do want to keep me up-to-date feel free to send a note whenever, otherwise I shall probably maybe check in eventually. ;) You're really working on a lot of stuff here!

The milestone was actually 400 but 420 was even more exciting so I guess so lol

Bad design choice when it comes to the 90s’ computer era is very nostalgic in a sense. I’m always into looking at old and abandoned sites from then. I’m very much into stuff like Vaporwave and Synthwave stuff. Fun fact about me, I love fixing old computers and collecting them! I have 28 PCs total and they are all unique! (Except for a couple.)

Also I’ll drop you a message when it’s out, I cannot wait for it’s release! It’s been very fun working on it, I just have an other collab I’m helping out with and school in the way which is slowing down the process a bit but it’s fine. It should be out around next month if everything goes to plan.

Ahh you're rising fast then! XD Congrats on the 400 too!

Hell yeah. :) Do you play a lot of abandonware stuff too? Emulate games? Used to be heavy into that when I had some more time, so many lost gems out there you'll never hear about if you don't go digging. As for that computer collection man holy shiiiit that's a lot of 'em! :O You must have a pretty big place? Old ones especially take so much room too... I'm a bit of a collector myself but have ended up mostly going with handheld devices since there's just no room for the real deal. I do have twelve computers though, if I'm counting right. :) New and old. All the way back to the old Mac Performa 720 I took over after my sister back in the day, and a PowerMAC with beyond maxed out specs for it's time - initially used in a production studio for a few years. All the rest are newer, but some mementos; some with particular perks, like a laptop with double batteries. Been upgrading RAM and similar with the ones I actually use but not much more than that.

Nice. :) That'd be great; good luck with the time-consuming one too!

How long have you been collecting computers btw? How do you usually acquire them?

Thank you!

I play a lot of abandonware, and one very old game that I recommend is called GM Golf Challenge. If you have ever heard of the game "sexy hiking", it's also made by the same creator (Jazzuo) and like the game suggests it's very challenging. It's difficult to find it but if you want a site to download it from I'll drop a link. I also emulate games a lot for things I cannot normally play...

I have an entire room dedicated to my computer collection in my basement, it's a mess right now and in need of a good cleaning, I plan on doing that soon. Yeah, the towers I receive take up the majority of that room so I am starting to find better spots for that stuff. I have also collected many handheld devices and I have an entire box for all of them from cameras, to phones, even to a bar code scanner that runs windows... XD I have it all! I have no idea where my handheld devices come from tbh I have only ever found them around my house. I have a variety of computers with all different types of form factors like all-in-ones, towers, laptops, bar code scanners, etc. lmao My oldest computers, unfortunately, are the ones that tend to break so most of my older ones are broken and I cannot use them. :( I do plan on fixing them eventually. I've collected computers for about 3 years now, and I usually get computers for free, either from my friends and relatives, or I buy them online.

Collecting and fixing old electronics has been something I've loved for years and I find it to be very fun! Thanks again, dude!

Ah I hadn't heard of either of those, bookmarking now (hey if it's there I can find it ;). Challenging though hmm, wonder if it's that kind of game I'd enjoy. :) Feels like I was into more difficult ones earlier, got stuck on particular ones, an abandonware racer game where you're racing straight forward, through tunnels, jumping over blocks etc in a set of spacey levels (might've been an early inspiration for F-Zero) comes to mind, but just can't recall the name though... most of the ones I really got into were action-based though, like for example this rare gem that started crashing my computer when I tried to start it after Win XP: https://www.myabandonware.com/game/u-r-b-a-n-the-cyborg-project-c7w

Also available online now apparantely hmm, finna try this one later: https://playold.games/play-game/u-r-b-a-n-the-cyborg-project/

Oh hey just reminded me of this too, no links working right now unfortunately (I'm a fix that soon) but these are the kind of games I played the most when I was in that phase: https://cyberd.org/g/

Will get back to you if I ever recall the name of the racing game though, was really ahead of its time... and this isn't abandonware, but seems relevant to the minigolf recommend earlier: https://neverball.org/screenshots.php

Neverputt's maybe the one I've played most, great for same-computer multiplayer sessions if you do those. Really miss that feature with most games these days.

Bar code scanners too whaaast! :D And just finding handheld houses around the house occasionall?! XD Man you must live in an interesting area... that all sounds awesome though. Hope you get that turned into a full on party room sometime. Or museum. Whatever you're going for. Have been dreaming of something like that but it's gotta be for the future, actually had to sell a couple ones recently to make space. My first ever Performa thoguh: still running perfectly. :) They had the best games back then too, have some old sharware/freeware CDs with maybe a hundred games a piece, not to mention programs, icon packs and everything. So crazy how much content you could fit on the format back then!!! I suppose you collect mainly PC though? If not then this site's a real haven: https://macintoshgarden.org/

Some of my favorite games from that era. Mortal Pongbat, Taskmaker, Spectre Supreme, Exile, Space Gypsy, The Zone, Haunted House, alotofonesIforgetthenameof...

This turning into a real trip o nostalgia hmm... good times.

You might enjoy them, they are challenging, and fun! But yeah, let me know when and if you think of that racing game again, it sounds cool! Oh and that game you sent named “Neverball” is very fun, I just tried it out and it really reminds me of Super Monkey Ball.

Also yeah, a barcode scanner! XD It’s really interesting, I picked it up from a dude that had it from a job he worked at. It runs a version of Windows 98 that was dumbed down to be as minimalistic as possible. Windows CE is assumed to be “Windows Compact Edition” but is also known by other names. Fun fact: the version of Windows CE that I have runs completely off of a ROM chip.

I feel like it is going to be some sort of museum although it’s quite small. One day I plan to get an even bigger place to display all of my stuff. Most of the computers I get are PC’s while Mac’s and other types are more difficult to find...

One of my favorite PCs is probably a really rare one that no one bought due to the fact nobody liked Windows ME, and I have everything that came with it!

(Btw sorry for the late response, I’ve been caught up in school and wih family stuff since my birthday is tomorrow!)

im went

I'll definitely give 'em a try later on. :) Found the one I was thinking of! Sky Roads was the name, here you go: https://www.myabandonware.com/game/skyroads-20c

Apparantely it's pretty popular, seems there's an HTML5 version made of it too now.

Nice. :) It does yeah, though the NeverPutt is the one I've personally played the most of, like a hybrid between that and Minigolf games.

Man that's awesome. Wonder if it'd be possible to burn that old Windows 98 version down to an .iso file and emulate it too? If you can't find it online somewhere already... ah maybe it is then. Interesting. Do you know what specs the scanner has? How much ROM? Any processor?

Sounds awesome. :) I guess Mac turned into more of a collectors item somehow, though old ones still sell pretty cheap over here, or at least did when i bought that other one, feels like the reaaally old ones are collectors items already, and new ones are hella expensive, but there's some middle ground there where they're still undervalued. But apart from the two I mentioned I'm all PC now too. Back in the day it just wasn't as common, in 1992 I think Mac was just the only option, you had to have it for school, but maybe it was around 98 when Windows 98 came out that things really started changing... everything flipped pretty quick around the millennium. Suddenly the price barrier changed too.

Nice. :D I have a laptop with Windows ME too, played a lot of Monkey Island on it back in the day... that was basically it. Don't remember it being all that different from NT and 2000 but maybe I'm forgetting things.

Oooh Happy Birthday man! :D No worries at all! Hope you have a good time today, some kind of party in spite of pandemic and all.

Sorry for the *very* late response I’ve been busy lately and haven’t been that active here on NG but yeah, thanks! Also I should check out the specs of my scanner imma do that rn!

OS: Microsoft Windows CE .NET Version 4.20 ;)

CPU: Intel PXA255

RAM: 99980 KB

Flash Memory (SD): 2GB

I’m not 100% sure it runs on a ROM chip but many sources say that Windows CE devices often use it so I kinda just assumed.

There is also a slider to choose how much memory you use for running programs and how much you use for storage.

I just downloaded an emulator but my antivirus detected it as malware although I turned it off and it worked perfectly, I will not provide a download just in case it isn’t a false positive.

Anyways I have to get back to work. After this day is over I am free for the entire weekend!

Hey it's all relative. :) Think I have some conversations bookmarked that I'm a few years late responding to at this point, and the more time goes... anyway! Onto the message:

Woooah 99980 KB. XD Sounds like a lot when they write it like that! Though it really is on par with any older computer, impressive for such a small device after all. And an XScale processor hmm, discovered a whole new product line here. :) That's cool. Regarding ROM I thought that was readable only though? Not always the case if you can use part of it for storage?

Emulator for the game or for the scanner/OS? Hope you had a good weekend too btw, seems I'm the late one now. :) Been stalling on a certain task all week and finally got it done!!!

Random note but: if you ever want any voice/vocal effects/stuff for some submissions I'd be happy to contribute. Trying to get more involved with stuff like that. Single lines, entire scripts, just sounds, happy to try anything.

Yeah it is a very strange little device... I think it’s neat so that’s why I grabbed it whilst I could!

But yeah I found an emulator for the OS, it’s version 6.0 rather than my version which is 4.20.
I’ve had an amazing weekend thank you for asking, but I am glad you have gotten that done! It’s always so rewarding for get a huge project done.

Speaking of big projects I am working on a game called Money Man, and it’s been very fun working on it. Here is a gameplay vid:


Level 6 is the one I’m working on right now and I was actually coincidentally looking for a voice actor who could do a deep, and/or creepy voice. If you’d like to take that role you could definitely do so, if you have Discord or something you could hmu. (My tag is Ant#1060) Discord is just easier for me when communicating as it’s what I talk to my friends on the most. If not, that’s fine. You could also PM me here. Feel free to send some sort of Voice Demo for the voice I described. If you need more details I could definitely let you know!

Definitely neat to have all these neat devices. :)

Nice. :) Yeah for me it doesn't even need to be a big thing, certain tasks I just stall with all too long even though I could get to them right away, simple things I'm excited about, really trying to shake the habit but hmm... one task at a time though! It's not like I lazy down and do nothing, just bad at prioritizing when there's certain expectation involved.

Ah for a minute I thought you were actually using Win 2000 to make the game. XD That level selection is an in-game transition right? Hell yeah. :) That might just be something I could do... request sent. I personally try to avoid Discord as much as I can but it's definitely handy for sending sound files and similar, good for stuff like this. if you could just give me some character line to try and/or any particular expectations you have on the voice I'll give it a shot.