Fat Fish Aquarium
I am very happy that people enjoyed Fat Fish Aquarium, I made that game in around 2 weeks time to challenge myself and added stuff I have never messed with before and tried to make something new that I haven't done yet. It was super fun and after patching tons of dumb bugs, adding upgrades, adding mobile compatibility and putting the game on itch.io I wrapped up the game and began working on Money Man: Refunded again.
Also, thanks for Daily 3rd and the frontpage!!! :D
Money Man: Refunded
Since I have just got back to work on it there is not much to say but I have had a bit trouble starting to work on it again but I will soon get back into it and be completely focused on it and I will hopefully release it by my personal deadline, and if not than it's ok. I just really wanna challenge myself with this and see if I can pull it off. Speaking of, after I release Money Man: Refunded I will take a break and then begin work on Fat Fish Aquarium Deluxe!
Fat Fish Aquarium Deluxe
In this new release of the game in which I will most likely be putting on Steam, I will be adding tons more to the game along with a bunch of overall improvements to the gameplay like making it easier, improving the A.I. of the fish, having more fish, tank customization, a radio to choose music and also muting it, more options, more upgrades, replacing some sprites, more and better bosses, a completely original soundtrack and much much more. Also don't worry the art style will still look awful because that's the point so get over it/
Thanks for everything guys, I really appreciate it.
You are the reason my creativity can continue to thrive! <3
I hope you have a great day! :D
fat fish on steam would be a marvelous event for all