Concerns regarding the Handsome Squidward Collab.
Hey it’s Ant here, so there are many concerns regarding the Handsome Squidward Collab that @beeni was hosting for a while. The collab stressed him out a ton so he decided to cancel it although he did upload all the finished scenes here.
Didn’t get credit for your animations?
But some people didn’t get their scene in there since he kinda slipped up and didn’t put all the scenes in there so I’m just trying to collect all of the scenes that are missing on there so I can edit them in and credit you, so if you made a scene and want credit for the animations [THIS INCLUDES WIP ANIMATIONS TOO] you made for the collab PM them to me on here or hmu on discord! (Ant#1060)
What the hell happened!?
Like I had previously mentioned the collab was canceled because @beeni was overwhelmed and stressed and he ended up just deleting the server and whatnot but if you have any questions please go ahead and ask below I’ll be sure to answer all of them. I am really sorry to those who didn’t get their chance to make something for it but I hope y’all have a great day!
thanks dude.....
and sorry to anyone who was working hard