You definitely should. By the way, for anyone else seeing this, I was involved in what Ant is going to talk about.
Working on Money Man: Refunded…
Age 19, Male
Actor/Beta Tester/IT
The Educational Area
Rhode Island
Joined on 5/31/20
You definitely should. By the way, for anyone else seeing this, I was involved in what Ant is going to talk about.
Okay mr “You keep grudges too long”
This is serious, like actually.
I'm not whining over being called "Tommy Pickles" 4 years ago.
I have held grudges way longer than a year. Don’t be like me, post about it and try to conclude it. Don’t hide it away or you’ll end up where I am.
u shoudl rlly do itt
There are people that got your back, so go forth.
It's your call.
I support you with whatever you think
It's your call. But I don't think a Newgrounds news post is the right place to do so. This would be more of a twitter thing. If it were me? I'd just leave it be and call bygones be bygones, but I don't know the specifics of your situation.
There is a big difference then discussing a past traumatic experience and getting selfish revenge. Make sure you're on the right side of the coin.
You make some good points in here that were the pure reason for my debate. I agree I may just move on unless the situation worsens in such a way that they are attacking me but they aren’t currently so I think I’ll leave this be for now. Thanks for the response!
Really think you should post abt it. It’s better to say it out loud.
he had it coming, got for it
Go ahead and ruin this mofo's carrier
Absolutely, knowing all the shit this person did to you, it need's to be brought to justice. I am also involved in this, and seeing all this shit go down has been incredibly surreal.
You should make everyone aware of it but also make sure to make this event in the past so It doesn't keep screwing you over mentally
Call them out. Especially biterr cuz that cloud speed up process of destroying kitty krew
i dont wanna be involved in ur little wiener drama sorry xD
@DrewPBalls Twitter causes way too much bullshit, i would post it to newgrounds.
Definitely man. Really would like to rehear this whole story from start to finish