I’ve been feeling like shit lately and I’m just considering giving up on the game I was working on, I just have no motivation anymore and I doubt I’ll be able to get it back anytime soon. Idk what to do…
Working on Money Man: Refunded…
Age 19, Male
Actor/Beta Tester/IT
The Educational Area
Rhode Island
Joined on 5/31/20
Posted by Ant - February 7th, 2022
Hey guys, it's me Ant. Recently I have had my ups and downs, sure I've been feeling sad but I wanted to shout out a couple peeps that have been really making me happy recently!
Thanks to:
and many more!
I really appreciate you guys cause I haven't been the best mentally and you sure have been makin me feel happier :3
(I've also been extremely demotivated but I plan on trying to get myself motivated again pretty soon.)
Posted by Ant - February 1st, 2022
I had just found this image below, it's a picture of @t0mToM and I playing Minecraft PE years ago. I remember when things were simple and times were good. I want to revisit those old times but all I have is this image. At least I even have an image, if it weren't for the image itself than I would probably feel a bit worse since otherwise I wouldn't have something like this as "proof" I guess. It makes sense in my head. I just hope things get better, this world needs it right now. :/
Thanks for all those good times hanging out, t0mTom. :`]
Posted by Ant - January 26th, 2022
You guys know I can’t say this shit enough but really, thank you for all of your support over the entirety of 2021, that was insane! I can’t even believe a number like this, 1,500 people! I, just trying to think of hat much people right in front of me and it’s crazy. So thank you for supporting me and my dumb stuff, I have a new game I’m brewing up and I hope you guys like it and that it turns out well.
I have recently had my name changed from “8BitAnt” to “Ant”. I am going to keep it like this for a month to see what people think. I know I mentioned all this in my last post but I figured I’d mention it again here. Let me know what you think of the name change. I personally plan on keeping 8-BitAnt/8BitAnt on my other socials now and just having my username on here as Ant. Y’all can still refer to me as 8BitAnt if you’d like to. Just be aware if you say “Ant” on anything involving me I will probably not see it since it is not specific enough in he search results so just use “8BitAnt” for now.
Yeah you heard that right, on February 23rd it will be my birthday!
nuff sed
Unfortunately enough I may have the corona virus but I am doing well and I’m sure it’ll go soon so don’t worry!
(Edit: I’m negative! :D)
Hey, have a nice day will ya? Buh-bye!
Posted by Ant - January 25th, 2022
Due to my recent name change I’ve had mixed reviews. I will try it out for a whole month, if it turns out that I don’t like it anymore I will revert this change.
Yo yo yo! How's it goin' guys? It's Ant here! >:]
As you can tell I have had my name changed from "8BitAnt" to just "Ant" since I don't really wanna be known as "8BitAnt" anymore.
I have been contemplating this decision for a while now and I have finally made the decision.
My old link still redirects to my account which is great too so people don't question why I was "banned".
I'll be taking some time soon to work on changing my main socials somehow.
Anyways, thanks to @TomFulp for helping me with this, I appreciate it. :3
I am currently working on a new game that will basically be one of those Microsoft Windows Parody games so stay tuned y'all.
It might also take a bit longer than expected to be released since I have an extremely high chance of having covid and I am not going to school or anywhere for a little while.
Stay safe guys, and have a great day! :D
Posted by Ant - January 11th, 2022
Alrighty, lets break down to the bits and bobs. I have received so many munchkins from thine corpse. Do you even have to know how hard it is to fondle sunch trench foobs. I don't understand this corbel search thy first gongle has risen on the 34th of threnchelise and I cannot forget the massacre of the south. Please remember that it is NOT ok to be doing horrible dore jargins in your bedroom. If so, lungs you have might combust. I just can't wait till the forbes police kill stater over there. All it does is gross out the rembembems. Thanks for your patience.
(Man the donuts are good, especially with mashet tators and wieners.)
Posted by Ant - December 19th, 2021
Yeah man I'm back! It hasn't been long since I left but this site is just too irresistible to not use hehe
So if you're wondering what imma be doin on here I'll tell ya right now, I'll mostly just be doing collab stuff with big groups or friends and at the moment I am going to stop making games and animations for a while until I get better.
Here's a collab I did with @GrantTheHierophant:
I will also be practicing my art skills and I will be trying to improve with the help of my lovely partner! @PestFrigginDiez (ILYSM BABE!!! <3<3<3) You can check out Day #1 of that here:
Also if you have any questions, please ask in the comments and I will reply to them!
I am very happy to be coming back, sorry if you thought I was gone for good lol I was just going through some shit and NG rlly overwhelmed me. Anyways I hope you're having a great Christmas season this year and a great day! Love you all!!!! <3
I have diarrhea
Posted by Ant - November 29th, 2021
Hello everyone.
I am sure you have read my last news post. I have been on a break for the past couple weeks but I think that it's time I retire. Due to lack of motivation to continue what I do on here and other various reasons, I have decided that I am quitting Newgrounds along with my other social media accounts besides Discord. (Add me if u wanna chat: Ant#1060) I am honestly not liking any of the submissions I make here anyways and think they are all stupid. Now that I have had my break I have thought over some stuff and came to the conclusion that I don't like programming as much as I thought I did... I have also realized that during my break I have felt so much better and a lot less stressed and sad. I have had a couple moments during my break but now that I have breathed a bit and moved on from those times I think that my mental state may improve. I do not know what I am going to do now since I have been bored out of my mind but at least I still have my friends, family and my lovely girlfriend to spend time with. I think that I'll find something to do later on in the future. If I ever post anything here it's most likely projects I am just finishing up or collaborations that I was or am a part of. I honestly don't like my popularity either, it scares me and makes me nervous... Social media in this day and age is just not a healthy place for me to be. I appreciate all you guys have done throughout my journey here on Newgrounds but it's now time I leave. Like I said though I'll be active on Discord so hmu on there if you have any questions or just wanna chat, I am completely open to that. (Again its Ant#1060) I hope you guys are doing better than I am rn and also that you have a good rest of your day.
Goodbye everyone, I love you all. <3
- Ant
I might be back later on in the future, just with school and stuff social media tends to stress me out… thanks for all the very kind messages everyone, you guys truly are the best!
Posted by Ant - November 22nd, 2021
I’m just not feeling too good about NG right now, hell I don’t even wanna be on any other social media sites right now. If you wanna speak to me then join my discord or friend me, my tag is Ant#1060. I’m just done man I can’t do this shit rn. My motivation is at an all time low and I’m not feeling too good either. So bye for a while until I randomly return or whatever.
Posted by Ant - November 13th, 2021
I hope you guys are having a great day, cause I sure am!
Recently a LOT of big things have been happening! :D
So imma just go ahead and dive right into this shit.
Sup motha fucka! It's me Ant, King of thy Portal.
So uh that's interesting lolz-
Never would've thought that I'd be KOTP at all on here.
(Thanks for the awesome fan art @PestFrigginDiez!!!)
I am now a new member of the Clock Crew, go check out my clock alt (@AntClock) if you'd like!
I have been wanting to be a part of the crew for a long while and I am really happy that I am finally apart of it, expect to see submissions from me when I get a little better at drawing basic shapes lol
(Thanks again @PestFrigginDiez :D)
I don't have much to say other than thank you, this is an incredible number and I cannot thank you guys enough! I love every single one of you guys for helping me get to where I am as a dumb lil creator, very very much appreciated! ^-^
Ah yes, Madness Day... One of my favorite days on NG tbh!
I was so happy that I was actually able to voice in a Madness Combat animation because I have always loved this series and really wanted to somehow be involved with something of the sort.
Give this a look cause I did a line in it, and I think that this is legit super cool!
Here is a rlly cute little Fortnite toon that @fellowesart allowed me to VA in along with a couple other cool peeps!
Here is a REALLY cool collab that I had a great time participating in!
Hell I even went as far as to use this ol' hunk o' funk to make my part lmao
You should Definitely go check it out!
Full Collab:
My Part:
Here is the first ever Clock Crew collab I have participated in!
I loved the concept of this one, Tellin scary stories with ur friends around a campfire on a Halloween night.
I need to try this sometime it seems pretty fun tbh
You can hear my voice in @Ushnor which was pretty dang funny lol
Hell the whole thing is funny just go check it out dammit!
I was a part of this sick Direct made by @XcorpzTheAlien, and I featured my game "Hexagons: Out of Grasp" in it in which I'll get into very soon! :]
Check it out here:
This was rlly fun for me to make!
So basically @0DearKruno cancelled this art collab but I decided to go out of my way to revive it and bring it back to life!
Full Collab:
My Shitty Drawing:
Eat bean, bean eat.
Hi @Doobus-Goobus, hope you liked dying 5 times! (kinda)
Btw @Tyro1301 you did a fantastic job on those animations!
"Hexagons: Out of Grasp", is a 2D shooter where you need to find keys to open gates and advance into the next level. You will have a handful of different enemies to fight while finding the keys. Nothing can be too hard when you have your reliable plastic wrap cannon though! With your cannon, and possibly a few allies down the road, you are sure to make it through the levels and escape the hexagon mothership!
Also fun fact: This was made for a school project, I hope you enjoy(ed) it!
[Thx to @t0mToM for a lot of help on da gaem!!!]
The past couple months have been really fun but it guess what, there is wayyyyyy more dumb shit from me and my friends to come so please stick around and be sure to stay tuned.
Thanks again for everything guys, it means a lot!
Have a good rest of your day :D