Working on Money Man: Refunded…

Ant @Ant

Age 19, Male

Actor/Beta Tester/IT

The Educational Area

Rhode Island

Joined on 5/31/20

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Ant's News

Posted by Ant - January 24th, 2023

Hey all, Happy belated Pixel Day!!!1! :D

You may be wondering (or maybe not) how Money Man: Refunded is going and what it is looking like. It is going great, and is almost done! I am currently working on detail and small little things the game may not need but could be nice to have along with secrets for players to find as they play through this silly game, so just keep in mind that this game is loaded with stuff you won't see unless you really search through it. The toughest obstacle I'll have to face with this game is the boss fight at the end due to its complexity. If anyone knows a lot about Construct 2 or maybe even Construct 3 with animating within the software or with save data who could help out in some capacity that would be fantastic, just hmu here or on Discord for details.

Here's a Demo video of me showing off the game and some other features that are in it, feel free to leave criticism but keep in mind it is in an incomplete form (obviously) and things may change.

The original game for comparison:

Also kinda off-topic but here's a remake of GM Double Fall by Jazzuo that I posted which was the first game to have this character in it!

I have genuinely been putting in tons of my time to make this game as polished as possible and have been so passionate about this silly little greedy red ball man. I just love to create, it keeps me going and keeps me happy so I hope that when this is released regardless of the reviews or score that at the end of the day people enjoy the game and had some fun playing it and that it could bring a smile to their face. I love to just make people happy and that's really my true goal with most of the stuff that I make, even if the stuff I have made in the past is something I am not too impressed with cause I dislike a lot of it, I hope it brought some sort of happiness or laughter to someone. With that being said I can't wait to release my new game to show improvement or to simply just make someone out there happy, I hope you all have a great day!

Thanks for reading! :3



Posted by Ant - January 2nd, 2023

Hey all, Happy New Year! :D 

Since it’s now 2023 I have been thinking about my past and have quite a lot of strong opinions on the things I have made and whatnot so I am making a news post to share them. 

Looking back on my previous videos, animations, games and everything else I for the most part hate it all with a few exceptions. 

Wether the things I had made bring back bad memories, they have poor taste, had made stupid jokes/decisions, programmed/created bad or were even just straight up dumb or boring; I just dislike a lot of my stuff. 

Starting with animations I genuinely don’t like a lot of my “animations” I’ve uploaded here although I’ll exclude the ones I’ve uploaded ironically like “Cringe_Luigimaster42.mp4” which is just a very very old inside joke with a couple friends. Anyways, most and if not all of my 3DMM animations were shitty and not even in a funny way to me cause I think most of them were just straight up cringe. Some of them were alright but most of them were too short and made with little to no effort. Some were even just “loud = funny” humor which isn’t exactly my favorite anymore. 

As for my games I too think a lot of similar opinions on them except for a few games I think that are funny and well done for the most part like Binbows. I have improved with most of my skills regarding games and movies and think I can do better now and in the future, I doubt I’ll be doing much with animation anymore since I want to put more effort into my games and focus on on those more so I hope you guys understand why I’d lean this way instead of animation since I really enjoy game development and I’d say it’s my fav hobby. 

Thanks for all the support guys on everything my experience on this site has only strengthened my passion for what I loved most so thank you guys and thank Newgrounds for all! 

In other news I just beat Mario & Luigi: Dream Team and it was so good. Despite the annoying tutorials and some bugs I think this game is awesome and y’all should try it if u have a chance! :3




Posted by Ant - December 20th, 2022

Happy Holidays everyone!


My expectations have changed!

I originally planned on MMR to release before the end of the year but now I am pushing it to early next year due to some major changes with the game. Since I want this remake to be more than just the originally game with minor improvements I will be adding some other things for fun including cosmetics, more secrets, longer levels and new and improved cut scenes. Even the boss fight will be drastically different, as to what these things are? Well that will be kept secret as to not spoil anything with the game.

I will still note that this game is a rage game and if you aren't good than get good cause I am not making this game any easier. Even if I do end up making some sort of easy mode which i was thinking about then you still wouldn't get the whole experience.

Also if there is any jank you can tell me although I did still leave some of it in from the original as to stay true to the source material in some way or another. I intend the look of the game to look bad in a good way if that makes any sense at all.

I really want to show some more screenshots of this game but I really want to keep it a secret to most and then release the game to see what people think then. I have already showed some people the game for opinions and I haven't heard too many bad things and for the bad things I have hear I fixed.

Anyways I hope everyone is having a great holiday season and that everyone is doing well, thanks for reading and have a great Christmas too! :D

I'll probs cya guys next when I publish the game but feel free to reach out on my Discord server :3



Posted by Ant - November 15th, 2022

Hey hey! Back with another Blog Post abt MMR!

I've been workin very hard on the game, so I'll show ya sum unseen MMR screen shots with some info! :3








Changes to the game you may or may not notice upon release & more:

  • More optimized than the previous version
  • Money Man feels better to control
  • Story that "makes more sense"
  • Previous version is no longer canon
  • Funny water geysers! :D
  • More assets from GM Golf Challenge are used
  • Removed some old art
  • Eagles replaced with Yellow Platforms
  • Idle animations
  • Dialogue Boxes
  • Background Elements
  • Removed many copyrights (yikes)
  • Many visual assets replaced with better ones
  • and much more!

Hope you guys are excited to see whats next cause I am really tryin my best this time!

Cya on the flip side! :D



Posted by Ant - October 31st, 2022

Happy Halloween everyone! Hope u haves an amazing spooky day! :D

spooky halloweiner thing is a fun day



Posted by Ant - October 25th, 2022


I have brought back my server, feel free to join! ...or not!




Posted by Ant - September 10th, 2022

Small update!

This is what to expect with each level, I am going to be adding more detail and whatnot that the OG version should've had that I think you guys will love!

Take a look:


More care will be put into each place in the game and will hopefully change the game without ruining the nostalgic feel of it.


Posted by Ant - September 8th, 2022

If you have not seen my previous posts, please check them out here:

A long awaited announcement, the theories were right!


Money Man Announcement!


Money Man: Refunded's development has officially started!

Money Man is back! The original game is being recreated because I honestly don't like a lot of the stuff I did with the original version. I will be posting a bunch of updates along the way as I continue to work on the recreation! Thanks again to @BumbyJumby for coming up with the name, I seriously love it. If you guys have any ideas on what I could possibly add to make this version of the OG Money Man way better than please tell me, even if its a feature like extra modes and other types of bonus content the original didn't have!

If you want a first look at Money Man: Refunded's title sequence, check out this video below:

That's about it for now though, if you have any thoughts feel free to let me know!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great day! :3



Posted by Ant - September 8th, 2022

Daily Slop - Week 2; Day 2 (9/7/22)


Rating: 4.6/5


A Ham and Cheese melt, way better than the bullslop we had yesterday! It had some great fries on the side, broccoli and of course for the drinks I grabbed Chocolate Milk and Apple Juice. Again not a fan of broccoli so that’s a bit of deducted points along with the melt having a lot of ham juices leak out. Other than that, this was great! Sorry for the late post for the Daily Slop btw, I’m a busy man! Expect another one later. :3


Posted by Ant - September 7th, 2022

Take a look! I’ve just re-released the first game here on itch.io, stick around for more Money Man news regarding the recreation and the second game.


If there are any problems and something is weird with the PC version PLEASE TELL ME! I’d like to fix these issues as soon as possible!

(Also feel free to make a donation, it’ll help me have a bit more motivation to work on the rest of the games!)

One more thing imma leave on, would you guys want me to revamp my Discord? I kinda liked having one so maybe I can start it back up fresh and new.